1.    login to PayPal account

2.    Click “Profile”

3.    Click ”Add /Edit credit card”

4.    Enter your first name

5.    Select your card type(visa/master/American express)

6.    Enter car number without dashes(-) or spaces(front side in card)

7.    Enter card expiration date  & year(front side in card)

8.    Enter card verification number(Back side in card)

9.    Select “use this address as billing address” or add another new address if you want

10. Click “Add card” button

11. Click “Confirm my card”

12. Click “Continue”




After all these you should confirm your credit or debit card.to confirm your card you should find your PayPal confirm code. You can find it on your credit card statement. If you using debit card you can find your confirm code by calling to your debit card call center.


Confirm your credit/debit card

1)    login to PayPal account

2)    Click “Profile”

3)    Click ”Add /Edit credit card”

4)    Now click “enter PayPal code”

5)    Enter PayPal code like below picture

6)    Now click “Confirm card”

7)    Then you can see this message


Now you completed card confirm. Now your PayPal account has verified!!!